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Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Cashew W240

Buyer From The Bahamas

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Cashew W240 Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Ship Spare Parts

Buyer From Tanzania

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Ship Spare Parts Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Weight Loss Consultants

Buyer From Sri Lanka

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Weight Loss Consultants Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Recycled Paper Pencil

Buyer From Hungary

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Recycled Paper Pencil Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Starter Drive Assembly

Buyer From Maldives

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Starter Drive Assembly Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Copper Dross

Buyer From Israel

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Copper Dross Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Toggle Presses

Buyer From Mauritius

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Toggle Presses Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Rayon Printed Kurti

Buyer From Argentina

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Rayon Printed Kurti Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Kali Tulsi

Buyer From Egypt

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Kali Tulsi Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Load Wheels

Buyer From United States

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Load Wheels Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Magnesium Phosphate

Buyer From Barbados

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Magnesium Phosphate Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Uniform Cap

Buyer From Guyana

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Uniform Cap Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Aluminum Stock Pot

Buyer From Niue

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Aluminum Stock Pot Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Titanium Granules

Buyer From Senegal

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Titanium Granules Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: MS Ducting Fabrication Services

Buyer From Botswana

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: MS Ducting Fabrication Services Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Study Guides

Buyer From Mozambique

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Study Guides Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Meenakari Jewelry

Buyer From Swaziland

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Meenakari Jewelry Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Flanged Heaters

Buyer From Grenada

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Flanged Heaters Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Coal Furnace

Buyer From Seychelles

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Coal Furnace Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Perchloric Acid

Buyer From Montenegro

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Perchloric Acid Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Teflon Dam

Buyer From Falkland Islands

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Teflon Dam Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Language Translators & Interpreter

Buyer From Lesotho

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Language Translators & Interpreter Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Cadmium Ingots

Buyer From Georgia

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Cadmium Ingots Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ

Oct 22, 2024


WANTED: Dark Circles Treatment

Buyer From Cook Islands

Please quote for the following wholesale product requirement - Product Name: Dark Circles Treatment Specifications: Any Brand, Qty: MOQ Note: Need Samples Quantity Required: MOQ




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  • 20 Leads
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  • 40 Leads
  • Targeted Industry Leads
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  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Weekly Reporting
  • Monthly Reporting
  • Weekly / Monthly Call
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